Cancer Research

Cancer is a complex and challenging disease to treat, and can occur in many different forms throughout the body. As a result, intensive cancer research is being undertaken worldwide in the hope of preventing, treating, and curing  cancer. While a miracle cure for cancer has not yet been found, recent cancer research efforts show some promise.

Recent cancer research has examined the effect of using nanoparticles to treat cancer. This cancer research has examined whether nanoparticles can be programmed to “stick to” the infected cancer cells in order to help prevent the spread of cancer. Cancer research is also being undertaken in the fields of targeted therapy, gene therapy, anti-cancer vaccines, and photodynamic therapy.

Cancer research is also being undertaken into immune boosting and holistic cancer treatments. Recent research into the effects of nutrition on cancer indicates that green tea, broccoli, chocolate, and other flavanoid-rich foods such as berries may have a preventative effect against cancer, but more cancer research needs to be done to verify these results. Cancer research is also being done into the effects of fitness, wellbeing, meditation, and even herbal treatments on cancer.

Cancer Treatments

Cancer Treatments

Advancements in technology have led to a number of tried and tested cancer treatments, with more cancer treatments currently being posited and researched. Still, the most common cancer treatments are still surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Surgery is used to remove cancerous lesions, tumours, or cells from the body, and can be highly effective as a cancer treatment. It is typically the first option for treating cancer, and is often used in tandem with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses ionising radiation to help  stem the spread of the cancerous cells in the body. Patients undergoing radiation therapy cancer treatments will undergo a treatment process where radiation rays are used to target cancerous cells to destroy their cancer. Another of the more highly efficacious cancer treatments is chemotherapy, a cancer treatment where chemicals are used to destroy cancerous cells. It is effective against particular types of cancer, but not all cancers.

In addition to more traditional cancer treatments, research is being done into alternative cancer treatments. Some of these cancer treatments focus on health and well-being, with such cancer treatments focusing on healing the body emotionally and mentally through holistic approaches


Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer has a high mortality rate, and it’s therefore essential to become familiar with breast cancer symptoms in order to catch the disease in its early stages. One of the most common breast cancer symptoms is the growth of a lump or thickness in the breast or armpit area. Other breast cancer symptoms include nipple discharge and changes in the appearance of the nipple. One of the more common breast cancer symptoms, for example, is an inverted nipple. Breast cancer symptoms can also manifest as changes to the appearance of skin on the breast. One of the less common breast cancer symptoms, for example, is the development of an “orange peel” effect on the skin, where the skin in the breast becomes scaly and thickened. While many of these symptoms may be benign, or may be caused by other issues, if you suspect that you are suffering from breast cancer symptoms it is vital to see your doctor immediately.