Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the testes. It is a relatively common type of cancer in men, and most frequently occurs between young males under the age of 40. However, of all cancers, it has one of the highest rates of cure, and over 90% of Testicular Cancer patients will recover. This figure is even higher in cases where the Testicular Cancer has not metastasised. In those cases where the cancer has spread malignantly, survival rates are still high.

The most common symptoms of Testicular Cancer include a lump in one of the testes; an ache or pain in the scrotum area or in the lower abdomen; a weighty feeling in the scrotum; and the enlargement of breast tissue. If the Testicular Cancer has spread, other symptoms might include a shortness of breath, if the cancer has moved into the longs, lower back pain, if the cancer has moved into the back, and lumps in the neck area, if the cancer has moved to the lymph system.

A diagnosis of Testicular Cancer can usually be given by means of an ultrasound of the scrotum. This ultrasound can help determine the size, shape, and composition of the mass to determine whether it is cancerous. If a doctor suspects that a lump may be cancerous, then further evaluations by means of CT scans may be undertaken. While some bodies recommend that men self-inspect for signs of testicular cancer, others recommend against it, arguing that self-assessment has not improved rates of diagnosis or cure for testicular cancer.

The treatment of Testicular Cancer is similar to other types of cancer, and most commonly involves surgery to remove the testicle(s) affected, surgery on the lymph nodes to determine the spread of the cancer, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Often management treatment approaches are taken once the tumour has been successfully treated in order to guard against complications resulting from metastasis. In some cases, a surveillance approach to treatment might be taken. This is to ensure that patients do not undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy unless it is truly needed.

Those who recover from Testicular Cancer rarely relapse, and many still retain function of their remaining testicle. However, in some cases of Testicular Cancer fertility can be compromised, so it is recommended that men visit a sperm bank before undergoing Testicular Cancer treatment, and in some cases that they undergo a hormonal treatment in order to ensure that hormone levels are not compromised.

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