Types Of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that can strike anyone, and that can arise in just about any area of the body. Some types of cancers are more aggressive than others, and may spread or take hold more quickly, making them harder to treat than other types of cancer. In addition, while some types of cancer can be identified quite early, other types of cancer can go undetected until the cancer has developed and spread.

Carcinomas and lymphomas

Some of the more common types of cancer are carcinoma and lymphoma. These cancers are widely found, and may be familiar to many people throughout the population. Carcinoma cancers are cancers that affect sink cells, as well as breast tissue, the lungs, the colon, and the prostate. These cancers can often be aggressive, and treatment should be sought if any cancer symptoms begin to manifest. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that occurs within the immune system’s lymphocytes, most usually in the lymph nodes, although also sometimes in the skin.

Cancer and symptoms

Different types of cancer may cause different symptoms. This is because different cancers occur in different areas of the body, and may grow at different rates. The effect that they may have on the body may vary depending on where the cancer is located, as well as how aggressive the cancer is and whether it has spread.

The signs of cancer

The signs of lung cancer, for example, may include coughing, a shortness of breath, a pain in the chest area, and coughing up blood. However, many people may not experience symptoms at all. In contrast, the symptoms of brain cancer may be quite different depending on where the tumour is developing, and whether it is benign or malignant. Some brain cancers may have little immediate effect on the patient, while some patients may find themselves suffering from cancer symptoms such as difficulty walking, headaches, seizures, memory issues, and general weakness.

The treatment of different types of cancer

Different cancers may require different treatment depending on how far they have spread or where they are located in the body. Some types of cancer may be dealt with using surgery, while other types may need an approach that incorporates treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, or a combination of these treatments. Very aggressive cancers may need different approaches again. Cancers of the bloodstream may require blood or bone marrow transfusions for example. Alternative cancer treatments may be helpful for some patients looking to manage their particular type of cancer.